The final hit grants a 12s Precision Buff increasing Critical Rating by +6-12%.
Marvelous Kree Warriorinnate
Hits that deal True Damage or have True Strike grant 0.8-1.6% Spirit Gauge. Nova, Sersi: Activating True Damage or True Strike Buffs pauses the Relic’s Precision Buff for 6s.
Ability Runes
Stellar DefenderWhen an Opponent’s Auto-Block or an Evade fails to trigger due to a reason other than chance, they are dealt a burst of 12-24% Direct Damage. Nova: For each Fury or True Strike Buff, Special Attacks have a flat 14-28% chance to grant a 3s Unblockable Buff.
Air Force DynamoHits that have True Strike or deal True Damage gain 8-16% Critical Rating. Sersi: While a True Damage Buff is active, Special Attack 2 gains 24-48% Critical Rating. A True Damage Buff is consumed after the attack ends.