Grants a Power Efficiency Passive for 5s, decreasing the cost of Special Attacks by 8-16%.
Arsenal Of Tricksinnate
Whenever a Basic/Special Attack Power Drains the Opponent, 0.1000-0.2000%/0.3000-0.6000% chance to inflict a non-stacking 12-24% Debuff lasting 7s. This ability is unaffected by Ability Accuracy. Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Vulture: 66% chance to inflict either an or Debuff, instead of the Weakness. Each deals 5-10% damage over 7s.
Ability Runes
Joy In Oneβs WorkAttacks that Power Drain the Opponent fill the Spirit Gauge by 2-4%. Green Goblin: Also grants charges needed to equalize Madness and Cunning. Doctor Octopus Physics Research generates 20% faster.
Attack The HeartGain 6-12% Debuff Ability Accuracy and duration. Green Goblin, Vulture: +26-52% Bag of Tricks, Super Bomb, and Siphon Debuff Ability Accuracy, and +6-12% Debuff duration.
Attribute Runes
Opponent Special Attack Down6-12% Opponent Special Attack Damage.