Inflict a Smother Debuff lasting 12 seconds. Whenever a Smothered Opponent heals while Heal Blocked, deal a burst of 3.2-6.4% Energy Damage.
Android Avengerinnate
When the Opponent has been prevented from healing 16-32% of their Max Health due to Heal Block effects, inflict an indefinite Torment Passive, increasing the duration of Damaging Effects by 6-12%. Max stacks: 3.
Ability Runes
Cauterizing StrikesWhile the Opponent has less than 40% Health, Heal Block Debuffs gain +12-24% duration and Heal Block Passives gain +20-40% duration.
A.I. TacticianInflicting a Heal Block Effect on an Opponent with a Regeneration Effect, will trigger a Fury Passive, increasing Attack Rating by 6-12% for 15 seconds. +4-8% Fury Potency if the Heal Block is Passive.