The final hit grants a non-stacking 24-48% Passive for 8s. Rogue: On Striker activation, pause the Replicated Buff timer. The final hit grants a 8-16% Prowess Passive for 9s.
L’As Dans La Mancheinnate
This Relic’s Passive also gains 16-32% Critical Resistance and hits that deal Physical Damage while this Physical Resistance Passive is active grants 0.8-1.6% Spirit Gauge. Gambit, Nightcrawler, Rogue: This Relic’s Passive starts paused until Physical Damage is taken.
Ability Runes
High Stakes GameSpecial Attack hits that deal Physical Damage deal a burst of 20-40% Physical Damage. Gambit: When converting 7 or fewer Kinetic Charges, there is a flat 8-16% chance per Kinetic Charge to gain a 7s Unblockable Passive.
Prends Ma SavateSpecial Attack hits that deal Physical Damage gain up to +2,400 Critical Rating if it is not already higher. Nightcrawler: When an Instant Bleed fails to trigger due to chance, inflict an indefinite 8-16% Passive. Max 5 stacks. At Max stacks inflicting an Instant Bleed consumes all of this Relic’s Bleed Vulnerability Passives.