The first hit inflicts a 3.53-7.06% Debuff for 16s.
effects gain 2.35-4.71% potency for each , or Enervate on the Opponent. Max stacks: 5.
Ability Runes
Vulnerability DispersalWhen this Champion is Immune to a Buff, or when one expires naturally or is Nullified, inflict a 2.35-4.71% Passive for 12s. Max stacks: 2.
Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Miles Morales:+2.35-4.71% potency.
Accelerated DexterityGain Immunity to the next Precision from the Dexterity Mastery and inflict a 3.53-7.06% Passive for 20s. Max stacks: 2. Cooldown: 8s.
Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man, Miles Morales: This ability has no cooldown.
Attribute Runes
Physical Vuln. Potency Up+2.35-4.71% potency.
Taunt & Enervate Duration Up+2.35-4.71% and Enervate duration.