The last hit inflicts a Power Sting Debuff for 16s. An Opponent with Power Sting takes 40-80% Direct Damage if they activate a Special Attack.
Nanotech Upgradeinnate
When a Power Sting Debuff deals damage to the Opponent, gain the following effects for the rest of the fight, stacking up to 6 times:
+0.8-1.6% Attack Rating while the Opponent has a Power Sting Debuff.
+4-8% Direct Damage burst on Power Sting Debuff damage. Cooldown: 10s.
Ability Runes
Twin StingerInflicting a Power Sting Debuff inflicts an additional Power Sting Debuff lasting 16s. An Opponent with Power Sting takes 16-32% Direct Damage if they activate a Special Attack. Cooldown: 16s.
Spite StingerInflicting a Power Sting Debuff inflicts a Passive, lowering Attack Rating by 8-16% for 16s. Cooldown: 16s.
Attribute Runes
Power Sting Potency Up+8-16% Power Sting Debuff Potency.
Power Sting Duration Up+8-16% Power Sting Debuff Duration.
Special Attack Damage Down4-8% Opponent Special Attack Damage.