Inflict an Energy Vulnerability Debuff, lowering by 16-32% for 15 seconds.
Mercenary's Delightinnate
Gain a Cruelty Passive, increasing Critical Damage Rating by 12-24% when inflicting an Incinerate Effect. Gain a Precision Passive increasing Critical Rating by 3.2-6.4% when inflicting a Debuff. Max stacks: 3.
Ability Runes
Extreme Atmospheric ConditioningThe next Heavy Attack refreshes 1 Debuff on the Opponent. Cooldown 30 seconds. +30-60% Coldsnap Debuff Potency.
Thermal Ordnance UpgradesIncinerate Debuffs with a base duration of 5 seconds or more have a +0.6% chance to deal a burst of 18-36% Energy Damage when an Incinerate Debuff expires or is refreshed.
Attribute Runes
DOT Potency Up+4-8% Incinerate, Effect Potency.
Block Penetration Up+6-12% Block Penetration while Opponent suffers from Incinerate or Coldsnap effects.