The first hit inflicts a Physical Vulnerability Debuff, lowering Physical Resistance by 8-16% for 16s.
Blunt Force Traumainnate
Gaining a Regeneration Effect or inflicting a Disorient or Stun Effect (excluding the Parry Mastery) inflicts an indefinite Physical Vulnerability Passive on the Opponent, lowering their Physical Resistance by 2-4%. Max Stacks: 10.
#Defensive: Tank Champions increase the potency of this ability by +100%.
Ability Runes
ClobberDealing non-hit Physical Damage inflicts an additional burst of 24-48% Physical Damage. Cooldown: 10s or 0.5s if the Opponent is Disoriented or Stunned (excluding by the Parry Mastery).
#Defensive: Tank Champions increase the potency of this ability by +100%.
StubbornGaining a Regeneration Effect applies the following effects for 20s:
Gain a non-stacking Resist Physical Passive, increasing Physical Resistance by +2.4-4.8%.
Inflict a non-stacking Physical Vulnerability Passive on the Opponent, lowering Physical Resistance by 2.4-4.8%.#Defensive: Tank Champions increase the potency of this ability by +100%.