Gain a Rampage Buff, increasing Attack Rating while by 6-12% for 9 seconds.
Storm Force Windsinnate
Each time the Champion lands a hit while , gain the following effects for the rest of the fight. Max hits: 10.
+3.31-6.62% Prowess Effect Potency.
Ability Runes
Tempest's FuryThe next Unblockable Hit grants a Rampage Passive, increasing Attack Rating while by 6-12% for 7 seconds. Cooldown: 25 seconds. Offensive: Burst Champions gain +50% potency.
Gale Force PressureWhen activating a Special Attack with 5+ Prowess Effects, the Opponent is inflicted with an Energy Vulnerability Debuff, lowering by 6-12% until the end of the Special Attack. Offensive: Burst Champions gain +100% potency.