The first hit grants a 12s Passive increasing Block Penetration by 6.62-13.25% and Armor Penetration. This ability can trigger through Block and makes Opponents more defensive for 1.7s.
Dragonfang Piercerinnate
Strikes into Block grant 0.33-1.32% of Striker Gauge and a 6s Fury Passive increasing Attack Rating by 3.31-6.62%. Max 4 stacks.
Ability Runes
Scrapper of SakaarWhile suffering from Disorient or Intimidate Debuff, the Opponent is also inflicted with a Debuff, decreasing by 12-24%.
Elite Warrior of AsgardStrikes into Block reduce Opponent Defensive Ability Accuracy by 4-8%. If the Opponent suffers from an Fragility Debuff, Defensive Ability Accuracy is lowered by an additional 8-16%.