The last hit grants a 18s Bulwark Passive increasing Block Proficiency by 6.62-13.25%.
Vintage Avengerinnate
Blocking consecutive Attacks grants a 7s Avenge Passive causing each champion Attack to deal up to 5.38-16.15% burst Physical Damage scaling based on Block Proficiency and Attack Rating. #Defensive: Guard champions deal up to 9.22-27.66% Burst Physical Damage.
Ability Runes
Forthright DefenderInflicting an Exhaustion Debuff on the Opponent, grants a 8s Bulwark Passive increasing Block Proficiency by 3.2-6.4%. Max 3 stacks. Bulwark Passives start paused for #Defensive: Guard champions and begin to expire when activating Special Attacks.
Counter-PuncherBlocking incoming hits grants an indefinite Kinetic Resonance charge. Max 5 stacks. The next hit consumes a Kinetic Resonance charge to deal 6-12% as a Burst of Physical Damage. Kinetic Resonance charges deal 16-32% for #Defensive: Guard champions.