When the Striker exits, inflict a Bleed Debuff on this Champion, dealing 0 Direct Damage over 4s.
Genetic Experimentinnate
Striker Debuff has an independent 0.1176-0.2353% chance to trigger again.
Colossus, Namor, Toad, Storm: Additionally, the Striker Debuff has an independent 0.2353-0.4706% chance to trigger again.
Ability Runes
Precision CutsWhen Bled or Immune to Bleed, gain a non-stacking 4.71-9.41% Precision Passive for 14s.
Colossus, Namor, Toad, Storm:+4.71-9.41% potency.
Blunt ScalpelWhen Bled or Immune to Bleed, gain a non-stacking 7.06-14.12% Cruelty Passive for 14s.
Colossus, Namor, Toad, Storm:+4.71-9.41% potency.