Basic attacks deal Energy Damage instead of Physical.
Sorcerer Supreme gains 70% less Power from Attacking, Blocking, and being Struck, but gains 25% of her Max Power every 9 second(s).
Passive - Blessings of the Realm - Pre-Fight Ability
Sorcerer Supreme rotates between different Blessings every 8 second(s), in the order of Cyttorak’s Ferocity, Raggadorr’s Resolve, and Ikonn’s Ingenuity.
Each fight starts in Cyttorak’s Ferocity, unless a different Blessing is chosen on the Pre-Fight Screen.
Raggadorr’s Resolve grants +1,833.33 Armor and 30% Perfect Block chance.
Ikonn’s Ingenuity grants all hits Power Steal for 3% of the Opponent’s current Power. Sorcerer Supreme gains 150% of the Power Stolen.
Special Attacks - Runic Spells
All Special Attacks store Runes of the current Blessing. Stored Runes have no effect.
After Runes are stored, Sorcerer Supreme then consumes up to 1 of each Rune to trigger different effects.
Runes of Cyttorak Armor Break the Opponent for 12 second(s), reducing Armor Rating by -2,750.
Runes of Raggadorr Passively Regenerate Sorcerer Supreme for 2,272.44 Health over 12 second(s). While this is active, Sorcerer Supreme Regenerates 75% of the damage she takes from Blocked Hits.
Runes of Ikonn the Opponent for 12 second(s).
Heavy Attacks
Rotate to the next Blessing.
Special Attack 1
Store 2 Rune(s) of the current Blessing.
The first hit has a 100% chance to Nullify 1 Buff off the Opponent.
After this attack, Sorcerer Supreme casts a Nullification Aura around herself for 10 second(s). Every 0.75 second(s) the Opponent spends in the Aura, 1 of their Buffs is Nullified.
Special Attack 2
Store 3 Rune(s) of the current Blessing.
After consuming Runes, Pause all Rune effects until 5 second(s) after this attack ends.
Special Attack 3
The first time this is used in a fight, store a permanent Rune of the current Blessing. This Rune is never consumed.
Subsequent uses store 2 non-permanent Runes instead.
Attack Rating is increased by up to +31,677 based on stored Runes.